Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Sucking Wind - October 14

Rob and I have both played our fair share of competitive sports over the years, and have endured coaches screaming at us as we ran endless lines in stuffy gyms, yet our definition of sucking wind has been forever changed. Over the course of two days, we have climbed 1377 metres, that’s roughly 5,000 feet the hard way! Trekking at altitude is a whole new experience. I find myself gasping for breath and feeling like my heart is about to explode out my chest. All this while moving at a pace that would embarrass the slowest of all snails. On the other hand, Rob is crushing it! He has yet to break a sweat or pant. I try to be happy for him, and not jealous, but the green eyed monster is a difficult beast to tame.

Fortunately, the slow pace allows for frequent stops to take in the incredible views and soak up the essence of this magical place. From forested trails to open alpine meadows covered in wildflowers, the trail never disappoints. We were delighted at our first Yak and Nak sightings and as a courtesy we suggested Rob take the lead as we navigated our way by them. Kim kindly reminded Rob to pass on the uphill side, as Yaks have been known to push unsuspecting trekkers over the cliff.

Tonight we are cuddled up at the Pikey Peek Lodge, elevation 3777 metres. By Nepal tea house standards our accommodation is quite luxurious. We have a light in our room and the squat toilet is inside. We have a fabulous sink in the hallway, but no running water. Why the sink one might ask. Why not? The rooms are not heated so we pass our down time snuggled in our sleeping bags, chatting, journaling and reading - a most wonderful way to end a day of trekking.

Giggles of the day were plentiful:

We left Khamding, bursting with energy and excitement! Our hiking poles had barely hit the ground before we were invited for a cup to tea! Giggling we looked at each other and wondered how many cups of tea we would need to drink before we arrived at the trailhead.

To our amazement the cell phone coverage along the trail continues to be superb. Today we overhead a call from Tend’s wife Lamu to Tendi. She asked, “How are you doing? He replied, “we are doing.” Rob, Kim and I giggle at the thought of what that might mean!

Last, but not least, after dinner at the Pikey Peek Lodge, we found ourselves caught up in a Trekkers Disco party. Several young trekkers cranked up the music and invited us to dance. With Kim cheering us on, Rob and I took to the dance floor and did our best to represent Canadian old farts! To our great shame, altitude also affects ones ability to dance the night away. After one song, and a round of applause we said good night and put ourselves to bed.


  1. Smiling 🙂

  2. You two are so inspirational! So happy to be able to share your experience, remotely, and cheer you on from the comfort of my chair, in my heated house…the rain and blustery winds outside seem an easy challenge compared to yours.🥾

  3. Oh my gosh, you guys are my couple goals!

  4. We are also Doing! I love it! As you are Doing! A Big Thing!
    It must be fun to write your Blog, cause it’s surely a pleasure to read!

  5. So love reading your blog filled with beautiful insights of not just the scenery but you and the people you are meeting

  6. It’s awesome to read about your incredible experience. Enjoy and be safe “Canadian Old Farts”. Haha. Love it.
